I don’t know about you, but I am always a bit lazy when it comes to finishing off my completed embroidery. Once the stitching is complete I inevitably pop it in a special box so it stays nice and clean and until I get around to making it into something someday! (mmmmm- we all know how that ends up!)
I have made special effort lately to NOT do this (!) and recently made a wonderful cushion from the Plantopia pattern which I enjoyed doing so much. The finished result is by far worth the additional effort, especially when I have to lug my heavy old sewing machine out of the garage which is the one factor that puts me off everytime!
Anyway, spurred on by the lovely fabric I had chosen for edging – I set about making not 1 but 2 mini quilts/wallhangings from a couple of my designs and I am so glad I did as I think they look really cute (even if i do say so myself!)
This also meant I got to use these really wonderful hangers that I have had my eye on for a while and wanted to figure out a way to use them that was easy and accessable to all. (more about those in a bit!)

The process for making both of these was exactly the same – I am used to making quilts but wanted to make sure this was a process that was simple for anyone to do. Admittedly, a sewing machine makes the process far easier and quicker – but if you don’t have one then you could definately stitch this by hand – it would just take you a lot longer than using a handy machine.
Would you like to create a Mini Quilt from your Embroidery?
Of course you do!!! Here’s how…
First decide how big you want the finished piece to be as this will determine what you need for fabric and batting.
With a quilting ruler it is easy to visualize the size of border that looks good – pop it over the piece and decide how big you want it to be.
I decided on a 1.5inch border all the way around – add on a 1/4 inch extra to allow for the seam and use the ruler to cut each side accurately.

For my Summer Splendour Pattern I cut a border of 1 3/4inches on each side.
Now you know the size of your finished piece you can get your supplies together.

You will need…
Backing Fabric: Slightly larger than the finished piece.
Soft and Stable Foam – slightly larger than the finished piece.
Fabric for the edge binding – a Fat Quarter of a fabric you like would be more than enough. Choose one that complements the pattern design.
Sewing thread that blends in with the main colour of the fabric
Needle and scissors
Additional Supplies – not essential but make it easier…
Sewing Machine
About the choice of batting to use
The middle layer of a quilt consists of ‘batting’ which provides insulation as well as cushioning. For this Mini Quilt we only want the cushioning as this completes the overall look. There are so many different types that you can use – I decided to give 2 very different ones a try to see if this made a differene in the end result.

The process for using each one was the same but I am sure you can see from the above photo, the end result is different.
The cotton Batting Mini Quilt had a more natural finish with wrinkles and a ‘wonkier’ edge!
The Soft and Stable was exactly that – the Mini Quilt had a more stable surface which held it’s shape whilst still being soft and keeping a natural look. It was smoother when finished and easier to work with.
I will show you how to make the Mini Quilt using the Soft and Stable (referred to as Batting Foam) but whatever you choose for the batting – the process is the same.
How to make your Mini Quilt
Cut the ‘Batting foam’ and ‘Backing Fabric’ to the exact same size as the front of the quilt that you cut at the start.

Sandwich all 3 layers together.
Use the clips (or pins) to secure all 3 layers together making sure the corners all line up with all 3 layers.

First, we want to secure all 3 layers together by stitching around all 4 edges before we start stitching the binding edges on. This helps to make sure you have a nice smooth surface – any difficulties or major moving of the layers can be unpicked and resewn if needs be rather than doing this with the edging fabric and potentially spoiling it.
Make sure you stitch just inside the edge about 1/8th inch- no more than this as your Seam Allowance when stitching the binding on is 1/4inch and you want to be sure this stitching is not seen and covered by the binding.

Adding the Binding for the edge…
Cut 2 strips 3 inches wide and just slightly longer than each side of the quilt.
Fold a strip in half (right side out) and line up the raw edges of the strip to the raw edges of one of the sides of the quilt.
With a 1/4inch Seam Allowance – stitch the binding strip to the quilt along the edge. Repeat the same process for the binding on the opposite side.

Cut any overlap of the binding on the top and bottom edge off so the strip is the exact size.

Take the binding over the raw edge to the back and hold in place to secure.

Whip stitch the binding to the back of the quilt.

Finish both sides in the same way and you are half way there!
Now for the Top and Bottom Binding

Cut 2 more strips – 3 inches wide – this time make sure they are about 1/4 inch extra in length on each side…

Fold the short edges over to the inside so that the strip is the exact length of the top and then fold the strip in half lengthways – right side out and stitch the binding strip to the top of the quilt in the same way as you did the previous strips.

Whip stitch the binding in place at the back as you did before.

Make sure when you turn the binding to the back the corner edges are nice and neat with any little strands tucked away.

Complete the bottom edge of binding in the same way and your Mini Quilt is complete. The end result is incredibly satisfying and really shows off the embroidery beautifully.
Get a Hanger to complete the look
Now you have gone to all that effort you need a really pretty hanger to complete the look. I love these cute hangers and they really are the icing on the cake – simple, beautiful and so so easy to use.
You can find these in the Stitchdoodles shop, click on an image to take a look…
Have you enjoyed this tutorial?
If you are inspired to create a Mini Quilt from your embroidery then send me a picture as I would love to see it.